High demand for professional transport solutions
High demand for professional transport solutions

KRONE successful at the Comtrans 2017 in Moscow

At the COMTRANS 2017 commercial vehicle trade fair in Moscow, KRONE presented trailers and services "Made in Germany" to the Russian transport and logistics market. The Russian economy is currently experiencing a renaissance, from which transport companies are also profiting. With products that are already established on the market, such as the Profi Liner semitrailer with board walls, the Cool Liner refrigerated semitrailer and the company's own service portfolio (Telematics, SpareParts, Service, Finance), Krone made a confident appearance at the leading trade fair in Moscow. Andreas Völker (Director International Sales & Key Accounts) considers that the incoming orders confirm this positive trend: "The Russian market is very active again. With the veteran general importer RKS Nutzfahrzeuge, we are strengthening our reputation as a reliable commercial vehicle manufacturer and partner for Russia. Russia is a perfect host, more quality conscious and eager to do business than ever. We accompany this positive development with a sophisticated overall product range and great openness to dialogue." COMTRANS takes place every two years in Moscow and is Russia's most important commercial vehicle trade fair. It is also one of the most significant international truck shows, as 200 exhibitors from 18 countries meet with more than 15,000 trade visitors.

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Simon Richenhagen

Telephone: +49 5951 209-8216

E-mail: simon.richenhagen@krone.de