[Translate to EN:] Es gibt immer was zu fahren
[Translate to EN:] Es gibt immer was zu fahren

Hornbach receives and orders further transport equipment from Krone

Bornheim/Werlte, February 2021 – New year, new transport equipment - according to this motto, Andreas Back, Head of Quality Management/Environment at Hornbach Baumarkt AG, took delivery of the eleventh Krone Profi Liner and the first of eleven new Krone construction material trailers. On the occasion of the handover, Krone Regional Sales Manager Markus Gemmel thanked Hornbach for the trust it has placed in Krone since the 1990s. In the beginning, it was mainly swap body trailers that were used, but today Hornbach relies on its own so-called recyclables liner logistics, which currently comprises eleven semi-trailers. One semi-trailer is used as a promotional vehicle with a superstructure of an oversized nail.

"Not only since Corona have many people invested in their private homes and realised smaller or larger modernisation projects in their house and garden. With our own fleet, we offer customers, who include professional building tradesmen as well as hobby craftsmen, delivery of the necessary materials to the building site, e.g. with building material trailers in central axle design. This delivery service is often and gladly used. Of course, we also focus on sustainability in the area of logistics and thus on products with high quality, because that means longevity and low follow-up costs. We have found this quality at Krone for decades," says Andreas Back in the context of the vehicle handover.

About Hornbach

Hornbach operates 161 DIY megastores with garden centers in nine European countries. Hornbach Baumarkt AG has a total sales area of around 1.90 million m². This corresponds to an average store size of more than 11,800 m². In addition to its stationary retail business, Hornbach also offers online shops in all countries in which it operates. The listed company currently employs more than 21,000 people, who generated sales of around Euro 4.7 billion in the past 2019/2020 financial year.For further information see also: www.hornbach-holding.de

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Simon Richenhagen

Telephone: +49 5951 209-8216

E-mail: simon.richenhagen@krone.de