Krone honours stem cell donors
Krone honours stem cell donors

621 Krone employees signed up as potential stem cell donors during the blood typing campaigns in Werlte (2007) and Spelle (2014). No fewer than 23 Krone employees have since donated stem cells, most having registered during the two company campaigns, some as a result of other public recruitment drives. Petra Ennenbach from DKMS gemeinnützige GmbH and Bernard Krone thanked the donors. Petra Ennenbach stressed that this was an exceptionally high and commendable response rate: “There are 23 people in the Krone Group who have actually donated stem cells for their ‘genetic twin’. That is absolutely magnificent, and I am very grateful for this selfless act on behalf of DKMS and to the benefit of our patients.” Bernard Krone, Managing Partner of the Krone Group, expressed his own thanks to the donors as well as to members of the Krone works council: “The initiative for the blood typing campaigns came from our works councillors. The management were, of course, very happy to lend their support, and the response from staff at both of our sites was excellent. I would therefore like to thank all Krone employees who have already registered. Because who knows whether somebody out there might not need their help very soon?” How do I become a stem cell donor? Becoming a stem cell donor is a straightforward process. Simply request a DKMS registration kit online. Within a short time, you will receive by post a set of cotton swabs together with instructions and all the necessary information. Take a buccal swab (i.e. on the inside of your cheek) with the cotton buds supplied. The cotton buds are then sent back together with the signed documents to DKMS. The tissue characteristics will then be determined by DKMS laboratory staff. A profile will be created to which a unique donor number is assigned. This will be communicated to the new potential stem cell donor. In any subsequent worldwide blood cancer patient searches, it can then be determined if that donor is a match for a blood cancer patient in need of a stem cell transplant. For further information, visit <link - external-link-new-window "Opens internal link in current window"></link>

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Simon Richenhagen

Telephone: +49 5951 209-8216
