The current trailer status - without investment

At transport logistic 2023 in Munich, Krone presented another intelligent service for trailers: the Krone Smart Assistant. With this technology, the technical status of a vehicle can be transmitted to Krone Telematics from any location. A QR code attached to the trailer allows the current status of the vehicle to be quickly recorded and transmitted with the help of a smartphone. In this way, the fleet manager can get an up-to-date overview of the operational readiness of his fleet at any time.

Best of all, no investment is necessary for this plug-and-play solution. Nor is prior registration, a special app on the smartphone or training required. Any person can easily carry out the data protection-compliant check in just a few minutes. No more than a standard smartphone is needed to scan the individual QR code. After the scan, the trailer check takes place in the desired messenger, directly in the language set in the mobile phone. The programme leads through an event-driven dialogue: The questions asked are answered by tapping "Yes/No", by entering them in the text field or by taking a picture with the camera. Finally, the user must confirm the information given; then the result is transferred directly to the Krone Smart Assistant customer portal and compared there with the previous checks.

The software immediately documents changes and damage to the trailer, but also defects such as missing pallets or missing lashing material. Where necessary, the Krone Smart Assistant customer portal triggers appropriate warnings. Further steps are also taken into account: Costs following the check can be transparently tracked and processed accordingly.

The new Krone Smart Assistant ensures even greater transparency in daily use - without additional investment costs. The concept of the "Talking Trailer" enables older trailers without telematics equipment to be effortlessly integrated into the digital Smart Assistant customer portal and thus operated more economically and sustainably. Krone is thus contributing another building block to its sustainability strategy "Mission Beyond Zero".

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Simon Richenhagen

Telephone: +49 5951 209-0
