Hannes Nachtelberger retires
Hannes Nachtelberger retires

Hannes Nachtelberger, 63, managing director of Krone Trailer SE Kft. in Budapest and Sales Director for Krone Austria, commenced his well-earned retirement at the end of January. In his thank-you speech, Gero Schulze Isfort, Director of Krone Commercial Vehicle SE, highlighted Hannes Nachtelberger’s outstanding achievements. “Over the past years Hannes Nachtelberger has provided us with sustained and effective support in our further expansion of Krone’s position in Austria and Hungary. It was under his leadership, for example, that Krone Trailer SE Kft. in Budapest was established and developed. This was concurrent with the development and expansion of a new sales organisation, including the restructure of sales regions in Hungary as well as the establishment of a used vehicle centre, the expansion of service workshops and organisation of the sale of Krone Parts in Hungary. As the sales manager for Austria, he oversaw the development of a new, bigger sales organisation including its new structures. Sales regions were also redistributed under his leadership, and the network of Krone service partners was strategically expanded. Thanks to his exemplary commitment, Krone was able to further increase its market shares and sales figures both in Hungary and in Austria,” Schulze Isfort added.

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Simon Richenhagen

Telephone: +49 5951 209-8216

E-mail: simon.richenhagen@krone.de